Clever features. Included in every price. Optimized for marketing and your success!

To help you reach your goal faster and more effectively, we have equipped Webinaris 4.0 with lots of marketing tools and features. What do you get out of it? Through the perfect combination you get more participants and leads, better customer retention and above all a higher conversion and sales rate.

  • click

Most important

webinaris features - Optimized for marketing and sales

Optmized for marketing and sales

Webinaris was explicitly designed for use in marketing and sales. For example, we deliberately avoid functions that make it difficult to participate or use the software. Our focus is on getting as many participants as possible and achieving high conversion rates.

webinaris features - Webinaris ist einfach

Webinaris is simple

We want you to be able to set up a webinar in no time and without any problems - even as a new user. That's why everything is very clear and structured. In addition, you will always find a small explanatory text for each individual function and input option. Last but not least, we have outsourced 75% of all menu items to an expert menu and set them up perfectly in advance. If you want to, you can do it yourself - but if you want it to be quick and easy, you don't have to bother with that.

webinaris features - Wir sind für dich da

We are here for you

If you ever need help or have questions, we will take care of your concerns as quickly and as best as possible. We read every support ticket carefully and send you a personalized answer in every case. Your contact person really knows Webinaris. We know that all this is not self-evident - that's why we are especially proud of our support.

webinaris features - Wir verstehen dich

We understand you

Webinaris was created by marketers for their peers. So we can empathize with your challenges and know what's important and crucial for you - and are also there for you when it's not about technical questions but, for example, about how you can improve your quotas or optimize your webinar.

Automated webinars

webinaris features - Einmaliger Aufwand für skalierbare Ergebnisse

One-time effort for scalable results

With automated webinars, you don't sit in front of the camera over and over again, but record the webinar once as a video. Webinaris then plays it out as a real webinar at the times you specify. This way, you only have a one-time effort, but you can offer as many dates as you want over months and years.

webinaris features - Video nicht herunterladbar

Video not downloadable

At Webinaris, the webinar videos are not downloadable by simply right-clicking on the video - because then everyone would know that it's not live.

webinaris features - Video nicht pausierbar oder spulbar

Video not pausable or rewindable

Your attendees can't rewind or pause your webinar videos - because they can't do that in a real live webinar either.

webinaris features - 100% Live-Charakter

100% live charakter

Webinaris can help you create a 100% live character in your automated webinars - if that's what you want. For example, you can work with polls, insert fictional participants into the webinar room and even let them chat with each other using chat messages you have pre-written.

Live Webinar

webinaris features - all you need funktionen

"All you need" functions

The Webinaris Live Webinars offer you the most important functions you need for your marketing webinars - from classic screen broadcasting to showing and hiding the chat and the participant list to deleting chat messages and kicking troublemakers.

webinaris features - optimiert auf marketing

Optimized for marketing

Live webinars are also designed specifically for marketing and sales webinars. For example, you can insert buttons at certain times during the webinar to link to your sales page, or tracking codes to run retargeting campaigns specifically for webinar attendees.

webinaris features - automatische Aufzeichung

Automatic recording

Webinaris automatically records each of your live webinars - so you don't risk accidentally not recording a webinar. Webinaris stores the recording for 7 days. During this time you can download it or save it permanently in Webinaris.

Partner Webinar

webinaris features - Mit Partnern gemeinsame Kunden gewinnen

Acquiring joint customers with partners

Create automated webinars and allow your partners to use them as well - because no one can explain your offering as well as you can.

webinaris features - 100% Kontrolle über die veröffentlichen Inhalte

100% control over the published content

You can delete the webinar, replace the video, adjust the email texts or change other settings at any time - and thus influence the webinar you have provided to your partners in real time.

webinaris features - Ein einziger Ansprechpartner für den Interessenten

A single point of contact for the interested party

The data of the participants your partners invite ends up in their own Webinaris accounts. This way, your mutual prospects have only one contact person and don't have to get in touch with different companies.

webinaris features - Einfache Anwendung

Simple implementation

It only takes a few clicks to provide an automated webinar for one or more partners.

webinaris features - Einfache Umsetzung

Simple application

In order for one of your partners to access your shared webinars, they only need to partner with you in Webinaris - they don't need to set anything else.

Meeting Room

webinaris features - Direkter Login ohne Installation

Direct login without installation

The Webinaris meeting room runs completely in the browser and can therefore be used by any of your interested parties - without installing any software and independent of the end device or operating system.

webinaris features -Einfach & Intuitive Bedienung

Simple & Intuitive Operation

In the Webinaris meeting room, everyone immediately finds their way around. So you never have to explain again where to click to activate the camera or split the screen, for example.

webinaris features - Reduziert und optimiert auf das Wesentliche

Reduced and optimized to the essentials

Fancy features like those needed in training sessions are unnecessary in sales meetings and make the meeting room unnecessarily complicated. That's why we have completely dispensed with them and reduced the meeting room to the essential functions.


Flexible Call-to-Action Button Positionen

Flexible call-to-action button positions

Depending on how your presentation is structured, you can resort to different button positions to avoid covering important content.

webinaris parameter tracking

UTM Parameter Tracking

Add various tracking parameters to your signup page URL to always know which of your traffic channels your subscribers are coming from.

Webinaris Affilate Tracking

Optimized Affilate Tracking

Save the affiliate ID of the affiliate who referred the affiliate directly when the affiliate is registered and customize buttons, email links and tracking codes with the respective affiliate ID.


Social Proof Surveys

With these surveys, you specify in advance which result should be displayed at the end. You can use this function, for example, to emphasize the urgency of your topic.

webinaris Social Proof Chat-Nachrichten

Social Proof Chat Messages

You can set chat messages to be sent by simulated participants. For example, you can use the feature to introduce questions that are important for selling your products.

webinaris Zeitgesteuertes feuern von Tracking Codes während dem Webinar

Timed firing of tracking codes during the webinar

In automated webinars, you can set at what time of a webinar a tracking code should be fired for current attendees. In live webinars, the presenter can manually fire tracking codes during the webinar.

webinairs Social Proof Teilnehmerliste in verschiedenen Sprachen

Social Proof Participant list in different languages

Whether live or automated, a few webinar attendees doesn't speak to the urgency of your topic. That's why you can easily add more names to your attendee list.

360 Tracking Code Support

360° Tracking Code Support

You can embed tracking codes from Facebook & Co in the following places: Registration page, Please-confirm page, Registration-completed page, when submitting the reigstration form, when opening the webinar room, after a certain time in the webinar room, when downloading a file, when clicking a button, when selecting a specific survey answer.

Intelligent showtime logic

webinaris features - Einmalige Termine

One time showtimes

One-time showtimes are great for one-time or infrequent webinars.

webinaris features - Wiederkehrende Termine

Recurring showtimes

With recurring showtimes, you don't have to worry about anything else in the future - they happen at the same time every day or every week.

webinaris features - Spontan Termine

Spontaneous showtimes

Spontaneous dates always take place within the next hour. This way you can always offer your prospects an appointment that starts soon and thus increase the registration and participation rate.

webinaris features - Automatisch generierte Termine

Automatically generated showtimes

If you want, Webinaris will take care of your scheduling with 3, 5 or 7 automatically optimized appointments - then you don't have to worry about it.

webinaris features - Flexibel anpassbare Termin-Anzahl

Flexible customizable appointment number

Determine for yourself how many appointments should always be available for selection at the same time.

webinaris features -Vorbereitungzeit bei wiederkehrenden Terminen festlegen

Set preparation time for recurring showtimes

If you want your participants to prepare for the webinar, you can set that the earliest possible date in the registration form must always be at least a few days in the future.

Landingpages & Co. 

webinaris features - Conversion optimierte Seiten von Webinaris

Conversion optimized pages from Webinaris

To use Webinaris, you don't need to customize your own website any further - because you get all the necessary pages from us.

webinaris features -Ständig optimierte Seiten

Constantly optimized pages

With Webinaris, you don't choose between 50 different page layouts and hope that it converts well. Instead, Webinaris offers you only one layout type, which is constantly split-tested and optimized. This way you always have webinar pages that are in line with the current zeitgeist and marketing trends.

webinaris features -Flexibel gestaltbares Anmelde-Formular für die eigene Website

Flexibel gestaltbares Anmelde-Formular für die eigene Website

You will get a flexible customizable registration form from us, which you can embed on your own website - so you can design the registration page there according to your preferences.

webinaris features -Logo Branding

Logo branding

Webinaris automatically embeds your logo at various points in your webinar process so your attendees are always in touch with your brand.

webinaris features -Farb Branding

Color Branding

Choose your own brand color from over 16 million colors to match all pages in your webinar process.

webinaris features - Social Share-Bild frei wählbar

Social share image freely selectable

Decide for yourself which image Facebook & Co should display when your login page is shared there.

webinaris features - Vorausfüllen der Formular-Felder durch URL-Parameter

Prefilling the form fields by URL parameters

If you promote your webinar with your newsletter, you can make it easy for your contacts to register by automatically entering their name and email address in the registration form.


webinaris features -Optional spulbar und pausierbar

Optionally rewindable & pausable

You decide if your prospects need to watch your webinar recording in one piece so they don't miss anything, or if they can rewind and pause at will.

webinaris features -Zeitlich verknappt

Time limited

Webinar recordings are only viewed if they are not permanently available - so we have set up a 3 or 7 day limit in advance and a matching countdown in the recording room.

webinaris features -Zugriff abhängig vom Teilnahme-Status

Access depending on participation status

You can decide for yourself who you provide the link to the recording.

webinaris features -Optionales Kontaktformular

Optional contact form

Participants can get in touch with you via the contact form at the recording.

Accompanying emails

webinaris features -Frei definierbare Versandzeiten

Freely definable shipping times

Webinaris doesn't tell you when to use email - instead, you can decide that completely on your own.

webinaris features -Erinnerungs-Mails vor dem Webinar

Reminder emails before the webinar

Simple but effective: With reminder emails, you increase the participation rate in your webinar by several percentage points.

webinaris features -Verkaufs-Mails nach dem Webinar

Sales emails after the webinar

After the webinar, provide your attendees with the link to your order form, your contact information, or a list of key points from the webinar.

webinaris features -Wieder-Einladungen nach dem Webinar

Re-invitations after the webinar

Over 20% of all non-participants sign up for another appointment when you invite them via email.

webinaris features - Double Opt-In Prozess

Double opt-in process optional

A double opt-in process is always the right way to have permission to send further emails to the participant. However, with Webinaris you can freely set whether you want to use the double opt-in process or not.

webinaris features - Eigener E-Mail Absender Name

Own email sender name

With this feature, your prospects will know which emails are from you as soon as they open their inbox - increasing the open rate of all your emails.

webinaris features - Frei gestaltbare E-Mail Texte

Freely designable e-mail texts

With Webinaris you can not only add a personal comment in the emails. Instead, you can design the email completely and thus optimally adapt it to your target group and your communication.

International einsetzbar

webinaris features - Backend-Sprachen

Backend languages

For international users, the Webinaris backend can be used either in German or English.

webinaris features - Zahlreiche Teilnehmer-Sprachen

Over 20 participant languages

We currently support over 20 languages - including German, English, French, Italian and Spanish. If your language is not included, we will of course be happy to expand it for you.

webinaris features - Zeitzone frei wählbar

Time zone freely selectable

You can choose per webinar in which time zone it should take place.

webinaris features - Zeit- und Datums-Format frei wählbar

Time and date format freely selectable

For the date and time there are different notations from country to country - that's why Webinaris offers you the possibility to set this per webinar.


webinaris features - Chat-Funktion frei wählbar

Chat function freely selectable - public or private

You can decide whether your participants are allowed to chat with each other or not - but please don't forget to communicate it if you don't allow it.

webinaris features - Simulierter Chat bei automatisierten Webinaren

Simulierter Chat bei automatisierten Webinaren

Make your chat history look as real as possible during automated webinars. With simulation automation, your attendee won't know that the chat is 100% planned and controlled by you.

webinaris features - E-Mail Benachrichtigung bei Chat-Nachricht

Email notification for chat message

To make sure that you don't lose a single message from the participant chat, each chat message from your participants will be sent to you separately by e-mail if you want it and activate it with just one button click.

webinaris features - Immer im Vordergrund

Always in the foreground

It is important that your participants can ask questions at any time - even if you only answer them afterwards by e-mail. That's why the chat is always in the foreground.


webinaris features - Zeitlich gesteuert Download-Funktion

Time controlled download function

You can set the time period during your webinars in which individual downloads should be available and what may be downloaded.

webinaris features - Alle gängigen Dokumenten-Formate verwendbar

All common document formats can be used

Decide for yourself what you want to make available to your participants for download. Webinaris does not limit you here and provides the download function for all common document types.

Third-party interfaces and API

webinaris features - Direkt-Schnittstellen zu den wichtigsten Anbietern

Direct interfaces to the most important providers

Aktuell bieten wir Direkt-Schnittstellen zu Klick-Tipp, Quentn, Active Campaign, Infusionsoft, Mailchimp, GetResponse, Goolux24, Cleverreach und Membado.

webinaris features - Universal-Schnittstellen für viele weitere Anbieter

Universal interfaces for many other providers

With the Webinaris Universal Interfaces you can flexibly connect almost any third-party system to transfer your participants' data there for further processing.

webinaris features - Webinar-Anmeldungen via API vornehmen

Make webinar registrations via API

If you have programming skills, you can develop completely custom login processes and integrate them into your own software.

webinaris fe

Read out automatically generated appointments via API

The biggest hurdle when using the API is the intelligent generation of the webinar appointments - so you can simply use the Webinaris appointment logic here as well.

Intelligentes Moderatoren-Konzept

webinaris features - Eigener Login für externe Moderatoren

Own login for external moderators

You can create as many moderators as you want to allow your colleagues and partners to moderate webinars or enter the meeting room as a moderator. Of course, every single moderator gets his own access.

webinaris features - Hervorheben von Fragen für die Moderatoren

Highlighting questions for the moderators

To help you focus on your attendees' questions during the webinar, they are highlighted separately for presenters in the chat.

webinaris features - Berechtigungen für verschiedene Webinaris-Module

Authorizations for various Webinaris modules

You determine which Webinaris modules (automated webinars, live webinars, partner webinars, meeting room) a moderator may moderate.

webinaris features - Webinar-Moderation via Smartphone

Webinar moderation via smartphone

If you only have a single screen and your presentation is already running on it, you can simply log in with your cell phone as an additional external presenter and use it to read the chat or show buttons, for example.

List of participants and statistics

webinaris features - Filter-Funktion für Teilnehmer

Filter function for participants

If you want, you can display only attendees who meet certain criteria - for example, non-attendees of a particular webinar who have not confirmed their email address.

webinaris features - CSV-Export der Teilnehmer-Liste

CSV export of the participant list

You can export your complete list of participants (or just excerpts from it) as a CSV file. This way you can import it into another system or evaluate it via Excel.

webinaris features - Aussagekräftige Statistiken

Meaningful statistics

Webinaris gets to the heart of your metrics and tells you not only how many people sign up for and attend your webinars, but also which buttons are clicked how often or exactly when increased attendees leave your webinar room.

Flexible adjustment options

webinaris features - Urlaubs-Funktion

Vacation function

With this function you can prevent recurring appointments from taking place during your vacation or on vacations.

webinaris features - Klassifizierung als Teilnehmer erst nach einiger Zeit

Classification as a participant only after some time

If a participant has only been there for one minute, he is not really a participant yet - therefore you can decide from when a participant should actually be classified as such.

webinaris features - Teilnahme auf mobilen Geräten optional verbieten

Optionally prohibit participation on mobile devices

As soon as a call comes in, the subscriber is gone - and it's not easy to fill out a long order form on a cell phone. That's why you can completely prohibit participation on mobile devices if necessary.

webinaris features - Webinarraum nach bestimmter Zeit schließen

Close webinar room after certain time

The probability that someone buys your product decreases enormously if he only comes to the webinar after an hour - it is better if he registers for a new appointment. That's why you can set Webinaris to automatically close the webinar room after a certain time. Participants who have already been in the room can of course come back in if their PC crashes or similar).


Prevent troublemakers or competitors from joining your webinar - if their email address or domain is on your blacklist, their registration will simply go nowhere and they'll never get their credentials.

webinaris features - Limit für die Lasten-Verteilung frei einstellbar

Limit for load distribution freely adjustable

You can decide for yourself if you want to play it 100% safe and only allow very few people per webinar date, or if you also want to allow more people to enter at the same time.

webinaris features - E-Mail Benachrichtigungen an den Veranstalter

E-mail notifications to the organizer

So that you don't always have to log in to Webinaris, you can be informed via e-mail about all important events - for example, about new registrations or new participants.

Reduced participation hurdles

webinaris features - 100% Browser-basiert

100% browser based

Because the webinars are 100% browser-based, any of your prospects can easily participate in your webinars on any operating system. In addition, you have the possibility to fire tracking codes like the Facebook Tracking Pixel during the webinar or to display buttons that open your order form directly in the browser.

webinaris features - Keine Installation notwendig

No installation necessary

Weder du noch deine Teilnehmer müssen eine Software oder ein Browser-Plugin installieren. Dadurch wird eine große Teilnahmehürde eliminiert und du bekommst noch mehr Webinar-Teilnehmer.

webinaris features - Einfach bedienbarer Webinar-Raum

Easy to use webinar room

The Webinaris webinar room does without unnecessary bells and whistles for the participants, which often confuse especially first-time users, and is structured extremely simply. This allows your participants to focus on your webinar without having to read any instructions or find their way around for a long time.

webinaris features - Teilnahme auf mobilen Geräten

Participation on mobile devices

Your prospects can also join your webinars on smartphones and tablets and use all the features of the webinar room.

GDPR compliant

webinaris features - GDPR

Order processing agreement

We enable you to sign an order processing agreement so that you can use Webinaris GDPR compliant.

webinaris features - Hosting auf deutschen Servern

Hosting on German servers

Your participants' data is stored on servers located in Germany. 

webinaris features - Anonymisierung von Datensätzen möglich

Anonymization of data records possible

Deleting complete data sets would distort your statistics - that's why we offer you the option to simply anonymize all personal data instead.

Support, Help & Assistance

webinaris features -First Class Experten-Support

First Class expert support

What distinguishes us directly from other webinar platforms is: We put the main focus on a first-class support for you as a customer. Our claim is to provide you with 24-hour support, not from trainees, but from trained and competent professionals.

webinaris features -Ausführliche Hilfe-Datenbank

Extensive help database

The Webinnaris help database is really helpful - we promise!

webinaris features - Hilfreiche Tutorial-Videos

Helpful tutorial videos

To help you get started with Webinaris, we present the most important functions in our tutorial videos.

webinaris features - Beratung zum Aufbau von Webinaren und zur Teilnehmer-Gewinnung

Advice on setting up webinars and attracting participants

Our support will not only help you with any technical issues, but can also advise you on how to optimize your webinar presentations, registration pages or marketing strategies.